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footprints - theme and miles davis solo
1967-07-02 - newport, festival field

Miles Davis at Newport 1955-1975: The Bootleg Series Vol. 4 (Columbia Legacy 88875 08195)

this is first known live recording of footprints, which will be played by the quintet every night during the following european tour in october-november

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same date recordings:

1967-07-02 - newport, festival field
  gingerbread boy - begin of miles davis solo
  footprints - theme and miles davis solo
  round midnight - miles davis theme

earlier versions:

1966-10-25 - new york, columbia 30th studio
  footprints #1 - theme and miles davis solo
  footprints #4 - theme and miles davis solo

later versions:

1967-10-28 - antwerp, koninging elisabethzaal
  footprints - theme and miles davis solo
1967-10-31 - stockholm, konserthuset
  footprints - theme and miles davis solo
1967-11-01 - helsinki, kulttuuritalo
  footprints - theme and miles davis solo
1967-11-02 - copenhagen, tivoli konsertsal
  footprints - theme and miles davis solo
1967-11-04 - berlin, philarmonie
  footprints - theme and miles davis solo
1967-11-06 - paris, salle pleyel
  footprints - theme and miles davis solo