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all of you - theme and miles davis solo
1957-04-13 - new york, cafe' bohemia

The Unissued Cafe' Bohemia Broadcasts (Domino 891221)

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same date recordings:

1957-04-13 - new york, cafe' bohemia
  the theme - miles davis theme and solo
  woody 'n' you - theme and miles davis solo
  walkin' - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo

earlier versions:

1956-09-10 - new york, columbia 30th studio
  all of you #1 - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you #1 - red garland solo
  all of you #1 - out theme and coda
  all of you #2 - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you #2 - red garland solo
  all of you #2 - out theme and coda
1957-02-16 - st louis, peacock alley lounge
  all of you - miles davis theme and solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1957-02-23 - st louis, peacock alley lounge
  all of you - miles davis theme and solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme

later versions:

1957-10-17 - new york, birdland
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1958-08-09 - washington, spotlite lounge
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1959-01-03 - new york, birdland
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
1960-03-21 (first concert) - paris, olympia theatre
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - wynton kelly solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1960-03-30 - frankfurt, kongresshalle
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
1960-09-27 (first concert) - manchester, free trade hall
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - wynton kelly solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1960-10-11 (second concert) - paris, olympia theatre
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - wynton kelly solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1960-10-13 (second concert, first set) - stockholm, konserthuset
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1960-10-15 (first set) - amsterdam, concertgebouw
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - wynton kelly solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1961-04-21 (second set) - san francisco, blackhawk supper club
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - wynton kelly solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1963-07-27 - juan-les-pins, la pinede gould
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - herbie hancock solo (first chorus)
1964-02-12 (first set) - new york, lincoln center
  all of you - herbie hancock solo
1964-07-14 - tokyo, shinjuku kohseinenkin hall
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1964-07-15 - kyoto, maruyama ongaku-do hall
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1964-10-01 (second concert) - paris, salle pleyel
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - herbie hancock solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1964-10-04 - copenhagen, kb hallen
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1964-10-08 (second concert) - sindelfingen, stadthalle
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme
1964-10-11 - milan, teatro dell'arte
  all of you - theme and miles davis solo
  all of you - herbie hancock solo
  all of you - miles davis out theme